Booking App

Track your taxi or minibus

in Porthcawl and surrounding areas

Track your taxi in real time using the James Taxis App!

Don’t be left in the dark - choose James Taxis and receive live updates on your taxis arrival time.

Pay your driver by cash or card

Download the James Taxis app to book and pay for your journey directly through your mobile.

Once you’ve downloaded the app, simply click ‘Find my Location’ and we’ll use your smartphone’s GPS system to pinpoint your position. From there, you will be sent a confirmation email and SMS containing all the necessary details about your upcoming journey.

  • Book directly through our system and get allocated the closest vehicle
  • Arrange future journeys with ease
  • Track your vehicle in real time
  • You have the option to pay by cash or card.

For any queries regarding the James Taxis & Minibuses of Porthcawl App, call us on
07585 557 315

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